5) Low-carb cakes

5) Low-carb cakes

Paleo pastry and cakes are very interesting, because they contain much less carbohydrates than normal product. Moreover they contain only simple carbohydrates, which are easily digestible and do not cause the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines as can do it polysaccharides (flours, starches).
Our low-carb products contains only nuts, seeds, eggs, fruits, vegetables. They are sweetened bz fresh or dry fruit and honey, sometimes also of chocolate 90%.
Their low-carb properties are suitable for slimming diet, SCD, Paleo, Gluten free, some also for Ketogenic diet. All products are dairy free.

if are you producer of gluten free bakery and you would be like bake this cake, ask for more informations: info@prirozenebezlepku.cz

Blueberry cake

paleo blueberry cake

690 g of raw materials (including blueberries), which is approximately eight servings, includes: Protein 51.4 g / 94.5 g Carbohydrates / Fats 148.5 g /
The ratio of fat : carbohydrates + protein = 1.01: 1

= one serving, 86 g  includes 11,81 g carbohydrates

(117 g onion includes also 11,8 g carbohydrates:)


To compare the nutritional value of the same cake made ​​with flour and sugar:
690 g of raw materials (including blueberries) consists of: Protein 37.79 g / Carbohydrates 221.4 g / Fat 39.63 g /
The ratio of fat : carbohydrates + protein = 0.16: 1 


Honey cake

780 g of raw material, which is approximately nine servings, includes: Protein 59.21 g / 110.32 g Carbohydrates / Fats 253.67 g /
The ratio of fat: carbohydrates + protein = 1.49: 1

= one serving, 86 g,  includes 12,25 g carbohydrates

(86 g potatoes includes also 12,2 g carbohydrates:)


To compare the nutritional value of honey cake original:
from 780 g raw materials consists of: Protein 51.48 g / 354.54 g Carbohydrates / Fats 144.3 g /
The ratio of fat: carbohydrates + protein = 0.33: 1


Apricot cake with coconut

860 g of raw material, which is approximately nine servings, includes: Protein 77.48 g / Carbohydrates 61.9 g / Fat 240.3 g /
The ratio of fat: carbohydrates + protein = 1.72: 1

= one serving, 95 g,  includes 6,8 g carbohydrates

(108 g pepper includes also 6,8 g carbohydrates:)


To compare the nutritional value of the same cake made ​​with flour and sugar:
from 860 g raw materials consists of: Protein 60.33 g / Carbohydrates 350.2 g / Fat 71.5 g /
The ratio of fat: carbohydrates + protein = 0.17: 1